
This tech news feed is from “4sysops”, a tech website that geared toward SysAdmins and DevOps. You can preview the latest news feed for “4sysops” here at Bookmarks For Techs.


Daily News Feed

  • Docker Desktop 4.18 introduced Docker Init, a helpful command to streamline the initial setup process of containerizing your applications. It lets you generate the necessary Docker assets by simply answering a few questions, saving you precious time and effort.
  • Many admins prefer to use a customized image rather than Microsoft's standard image for deploying Windows 11. This involves creating a reference installation of the OS tailored to their specific needs. After generalizing it with Sysprep, the image is written to a WIM archive using DISM or PowerShell.
  • The multitenant organization feature, available as a preview since mid-2023, is now available for Microsoft 365 production environments. In this article, I will explore the new feature and explain how to configure it in M365.
  • OpenTofu, a Terraform fork, is an open-source infrastructure as code software solution that allows you to define and manage the complete infrastructure lifecycle using the HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). In this post, I'll walk you through the steps to create an S3 bucket in AWS using OpenTofu.
  • Lens is an open-source desktop application aimed at managing Kubernetes clusters. It offers a graphical user interface as an alternative to working directly with the Kubernetes command-line interface (kubectl). Lens includes features for monitoring cluster resources, viewing logs, and accessing a built-in terminal. The new Lens 2024 Early Access version introduces a completely redesigned user […]
  • Microsoft has recently announced that Basic Authentication in Exchange Online SMTP AUTH will be disabled in September 2025. In this post, I will discuss the implications of this announcement and provide guidance on what steps you can take to ensure your email applications and devices remain functional.
  • There are several reasons why Windows Update may fail or not work, including malfunctioning services, damaged Windows updates, insufficient free disk space, or faulty Windows devices. This article will walk you through seven methods to troubleshoot Windows Update.