

Daily News Feed

  • Foneazy MockGo is an easy-to-use desktop app that lets you change your iPhone’s GPS location to anywhere in the world with just a few clicks. It’s great for playing location-based games or when you need to get around location restrictions for work or fun. You can even simulate walking or driving along actual roads using… […]
  • In today’s business organizations, a boss acts like an orchestra conductor. This analogy is apt because, just like a conductor who sets the tempo and ensures each musician enters at the right time, a boss must know when and how to harness the diverse talents and skills of their employees for the collective benefit of… […]
  • Between 2014 and 2021, the global robot vacuum cleaner market more than tripled in value, increasing from 0.95 billion to 4.48 billion dollars, according to Statista. Interestingly, it shows no signs of slowing down. Robot vacuum cleaners are automated devices used to remove dirt and debris from various types of floor surfaces. These smart devices… […]
  • Occupation, profession or what we call nowadays "a job", is one of the most important things in a person’s life. When people started settling in cities and villages, a person’s job defined his status in the society. Surnames like Miller, Smith and Schneider were derived from occupations i.e. Miller (people who worked in mills), Smith… […]
  • The systemd project continues to revolutionize the Linux ecosystem with its latest addition: the run0 command. Announced recently by systemd lead developer Lennart Poettering, run0 promises to reshape how we handle administrative tasks by offering a new, sudo-like utility. Unlike its predecessors, run0 introduces unique features that set it apart, potentially transforming how users interact… […]
  • Running a business involves managing tasks, projects, and collaboration, and Monday.com has been a game-changer in this space. Its easy-to-use interface and customizable workflows make it a favorite tool for teams globally. What truly sets Monday.com apart is its seamless integration with various apps, elevating its functionality. In this article, we’ll explore the top apps… […]
  • Facebook Messenger recently introduced a new way to access your chat history, making it easier to keep your conversations secure. With this update, you can set up a PIN to access your chat history when switching devices. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it: Creating a PIN: Click on the “Create PIN” button.… […]