

Daily News Feed

  • Both extremely promising and extremely risky, generative AI has distinct failure modes that we need to defend against to protect our users and our code. We’ve all seen the news, where chatbots are encouraged to be insulting or racist, or large language models (LLMs) are exploited for malicious purposes, and where outputs are at best […]
  • Django has been a leading “batteries included” Python web framework for more than a decade. The fifth major release, which arrived in December, brought even more power and ease to Django.Curious about the latest Django development trends? JetBrains’ PyCharm team, in collaboration with the Django Foundation, surveyed over 4,000 developers worldwide to analyze framework usage. […]
  • The number of proposed features for Java Development Kit (JDK) 23, the next planned version of standard Java, has climbed to eight. The latest addition is a third preview of implicitly declared classes and instance main methods, features designed to make Java easier for beginners.Due September 17, JDK 23 also will include a vector API, […]
  • Red Hat has unveiled Podman AI Lab, an extension to the Podman Desktop graphical interface that lets developers build generative AI-powered applications in containers.Announced May 7, Podman AI Lab is intended to make it easier to develop with AI in a local environment. The Podman AI Lab extension supports the adoption of generative AI for […]
  • Microservices architectures solve some problems but introduce others. Dividing applications into independent services simplifies development, updates, and scaling. But it also gives you many more moving parts to connect and secure. Managing all the network services—load balancing, traffic management, authentication and authorization, and so on—can become stupendously complex.The term for this networked space between the […]
  • For decades, when I got to work in the morning, I would start Microsoft Visual Studio (or one of its predecessors, such as Visual C++ or Visual InterDev), then brew tea and possibly attend a morning meeting while it went through its laborious startup. I would keep the IDE open all day as I went […]
  • Research suggests there are seven JavaScript language elements developers lookup more than any other. While you might not be able to write a complete JavaScript program using only these features, you most certainly won't get far without them. Beginners need to learn them, but they're also great brain refreshers for JavaScript veterans. Let’s take a […]