

Daily News Feed

  • In a talk at QCon London 2024 titled "Curating the Developer Experience," Andy Burgin discussed embracing Developer Experience (DevEx) as an operational philosophy at the betting company Flutter. Recognising the potential of DevEx to enhance productivity and foster collaboration and empathy between teams, Burgin explained how Flutter implemented and evolved their Developer Experience. By Matt […]
  • According to Camilla Montonen, the challenges of building machine learning systems are mostly creating and maintaining the model. MLOps platforms and solutions contain components needed to build machine systems. MLOps is not about the tools; it is a culture and a set of practices. Montonen suggests that we should bridge the divide between practices of […]
  • This insightful InfoQ article dispels the common myths surrounding Lambda Cold Starts, a widely discussed topic in the serverless computing community. As serverless architectures continue to gain popularity, misconceptions about Lambda Cold Starts have proliferated, often leading to confusion and misguided optimization strategies. By Mohit Palriwal
  • Jules Damji discusses which infrastructure should be used for distributed fine-tuning and training, how to scale ML workloads, how to accommodate large models, and how can CPUs and GPUs be utilized? By Jules Damji
  • GitHub has released two features to improve the security and resilience of repositories. The first feature allows Dependabot to run as a GitHub Actions workflow using hosted and self-hosted runners. The second release introduces the public beta of Artifact Attestations, simplifying how repository maintainers can generate provenance for their build artifacts. By Matt Campbell
  • Meta AI released Llama 3, the latest generation of their open-source large language model (LLM) family. The model is available in 8B and 70B parameter sizes, each with a base and instruction-tuned variant. Llama3 outperforms other LLMs of the same parameter size on standard LLM benchmarks. By Anthony Alford
  • Azure Monitor is Microsoft's cloud monitoring service for gathering, visualizing, and analyzing telemetry data from applications, infrastructure, and networks. The company recently added a data collection capability in preview with the edge pipeline, which enables the collection and routing of telemetry data before it's sent to the cloud. By Steef-Jan Wiggers