Security Bookmarks

Bleeping Computer

This tech news feed is from “Bleeping Computer”, an information security and technology news publication created in 2004 by Lawrence Abrams. Millions of visitors come to every month to learn about the latest security threats, technology news, ways to stay protected online, and how to use their computers more efficiently. You can preview the latest news feed for “Bleeping Computer” here at Bookmarks For Techs. Bleeping Computer Daily News Feed

Schneier on Security

This tech news feed is from “Schneier on Security”, a blog run by Bruce Schneier, a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people. He has been writing about security issues on his blog since 2004. You can preview the latest news feed for “Schneier on Security” here at Bookmarks For Techs. Schneier on Security Daily News Feed


This tech news feed is from “ProPrivacy”, the leading resource for digital freedom. Founded in 2013, the site’s mission is to help users around the world reclaim their right to privacy through research, reviews, knowledge-sharing, investigations and direct action. You can preview the latest news feed for “ProPrivacy” here at Bookmarks For Techs. ProPrivacy Daily News Feed


This tech news feed is from “PCRisk”, a cyber security portal, informing Internet users about the latest digital threats. The content is provided by security experts and professional malware researchers. You can preview the latest news feed for “PCRisk” here at Bookmarks For Techs. PCRisk Daily News Feed


This tech news feed is from “SecurityWeek”, producing actionable content and a portfolio of industry-leading events to help cybersecurity professionals around the globe defend their organizations from increasingly complex cyber threats.

Naked Security

This tech news feed is from “Naked Security”, Sophos’s award-winning threat news room, giving you opinion, advice and research on the latest cybersecurity issues.

Malwarebytes Security Blog

This tech news feed is from the “Malwarebytes Security Blog”, where you will be kept informed on the latest news in cybersecurity.

Krebs on Security

This tech news feed is from “Krebs on Security”, a website that offers investigative reporting on cybercrime and internet security. The site was founded in 2009 and is written by Brian Krebs, an investigative journalist who is known as the leading authority on cybercriminal syndicates.

The Hacker News

This tech news feed is from “The Hacker News”, a top and reliable source for the latest updates in cybersecurity. As an independent outlet, they offer balanced and thorough insights into the cybersecurity sector, trusted by professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Graham Cluley

This tech news feed is from “Graham Cluley”, a public speaker, podcaster, and independent cybersecurity analyst.


This tech news feed is from “WeLiveSecurity” where there are experienced researchers with in-depth knowledge of the latest threats and security trends. It’s an editorial outlet for internet security news, views and insight, covering the latest, breaking security news, alongside video tutorials, in-depth features, and podcasts. The site aims to cater for all skill levels, from battle-hardened coders to people just looking for advice on how to secure their data effectively.

Dark Reading

This tech news feed is from “Dark Reading”, the most widely read cybersecurity news sites, Dark Reading is also the most trusted online community for security professionals like you. Our community members include thought-leading security researchers, CISOs, and technology specialists, along with thousands of other security professionals.

Cyber Talk

This tech news feed is from “Cyber Talk”, an executive-level thought leadership platform that provides expertly curated cyber security resources. The site empowers leaders to streamline and strengthen strategic capabilities in order to reach new targets in ever-changing digital landscapes. Leaders can leverage a suite of top-tier cyber resilience assets designed to keep them at the forefront of disruptions and global business innovation.


This tech news feed is from “Cyberguy”, where the focus is on consumer technology, innovative people, and inventions that are changing the world.

Cybercrime Magazine

This tech news feed is from “Cybercrime Magazine”, world’s leading researcher and Page ONE for the global cyber economy, and a trusted source for cybersecurity facts, figures, and statistics. 2023 Media Kit

Cyber Security and Tutorials Blog

This tech news feed is from “Cyber Security and Tutorials Blog”,your daily source of valuable insights and knowledge curated by Patrick Domingues. With a passion for cyber security, Patrick is dedicated to helping you stay current with the rapidly evolving technology landscape. Explore our tutorials to learn something new each day, empowering you with the skills and expertise to navigate IT complexities.